Sunday, November 30, 2008


DOQQ or Digital Orthographic Quarter Quads are aerial photos with map qualities. This is clearly an aerial photo. It is used by the University of Texas Civil Engineering in preparation for flood insurance.


A DEM or digital elevation model shows different terrain elevation. This DEM is colorized so the different elevations are easy to read; it is also 3D.


DLG maps show a lot of different information. This Digital Line Graph is of Columbus, Georgia. There is a key to the map at the top showing the meaning of each line on the map.


A DRG (digital raster graphic) map is a type of U.S. Geological Survey. This DRG map was taken from the Illinois Natural Resource Geospacial Data Clearinghouse.


This Isopleth map shows rainfall from 1961-1990. This map was created by the Oregon Climate Service at Oregon State University.,SUNA:2006-04,SUNA:en


Isopachs This Isopach map shows the thickness and areal extent of evaporite basins in the Great Lakes area. When reading isopachs, you may also come across the word contour lines frequently.,SUNA:2006-04,SUNA:en%26sa%3DN


An Isohyet is a line on a map connecting places having equal rainfall. This map was taken off of the Hong Kong weather website.,SUNA:2006-04,SUNA:en


Isotachs are also found on a weather map and are used to show different wind speeds.  This map is of Mexico and the western United States.  When the Isotach lines are close together, that is where the wind is the strongest.


Isobars are used to show different pressures on a map. This is a map of New Zealand that is updated on this particular website three different times each day.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


LIDAR images use light detection and ranging to collect topographic data. This photo was taken and used by NOAA to detect shoreline changes.

Doppler Radar

Doppler Radars show the base reflectivity of an image. This is a doppler radar image of Tropical Storm Alberto in 2006. Doppler radar images can be viewed on the internet as the image is moving. They also show the severity of the storm and rain using a color coded system.

Black and White Aerial Photo

Black and White Aerial Photos always seem to have a great amount of character and history. This photo is by the USGS taken of the New York Inlet.

Infrared Aerial Photo

This is an Infrared Aerial photo of the Sacramento deep water channel. Infrared aerial photography is also very important to our environment because of its ability to detect any changes.

Cartographic Animation

This is a Cartographic animation of Hurricane Katrina approaching Louisiana. This cartographic animation makes it easy to read the hurricane and examine the eye. Because the eye of the hurricane is so important to study, this animation makes determining the severity available to people.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Statistical Map

This is a Statistical Map that shows the percent change in Metropolitain and Micropolitan Area Pollution from April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2000. This is an important map to become familair with and comfortable reading. It can help you learn about issues that surround us, such as pollution.


I found this Cartogram using a website called Worldmapper. On this map, Worldmapper uses a new algorithm to proportionally represent rail passenger traffic world wide. As you can see, this is not like a typical map of the world, but it has been set to proportional size to demonstrate a certain topic.

Flow Map

Flow maps are usually done by hand. They show a certain idea in a particular order. They can use many different shapes and sizes to prove an order of events. This is a "how to" flow map using a recipe.

Isoline Map

This particular Isoline Map is of Mexico. It is showing the mean annual percipitation. Mazatlan has the highest annual mean as shown by the closeness of the isolines on the map.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dot Distribution Map

This is a dot distribution map showing the growth of Wal-Mart. You can see how Wal-Mart started off slow and eventually began to rapidly spread.

Propaganda Map

Because Propaganda Maps are mostly used for aiming malicious intent, here is a map indicating the Nazi Policy.

Hypsometric Map

Hypsometric Maps are known for using various shades and colors to show different elevations. The more distinct the cotours in the map, the easier it is to read. This Hypsometric Map of Hawaii gives a key using feet and meters to show its elevations.


This PLSS Map is of Alabama. The grid lines are used to survey land for recording ownership. The township in blue is Franklin County.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cadastral Map

This Cadastral map shows how a specific area of land is divided into its real property.

Thematic Map

A Thematic map is very easy to read and understand and they are the most common type of map. This is a Thematic map that shows a July prediction for the November 2008 election. The blue shows the Democrat states, the red shows the Republican states and the yellow show the states that are predicted to be a toss-up.

Topographic Map

This is a topographic map of Brazil. After studying different types of topographic maps, I now see why the military focused on using these maps. They provide great information on the different land levels of certain areas. I am not familair with the land structures of Brazil, but this map shows the different heights very clearly. This particular topographic map is a great way to show the physical characteristics of land in an area and the built changes in the landscape (Harvey p.13).

Planimetric Map

This Planimetric map is of Quebec City and the Charlevoix Impact Structure in 1999. This map, like all Planimetric maps only shows the horizontal information and avoids anything vertical.

Mental Map

This mental map shows how our brain uses our five senses. It is a visual example of how the brain understands different information/senses and how it is interpreted in the end result.