Sunday, December 7, 2008

Star Plot

This is a Star Plot of crime rates in U.S. cities. Each star represents an observation made and one ray is for each variable.

Correlation Matrix

A Correlation Matrix shows correlation between two variables. The correlation matrix usually forms a diagnal from top to bottom.

Similarity Matrix

A Similarity Matrix shows the similiarity between two data points. Similarity matrix are used a lot in showing medical information. There may also be a color scale to easily follow the data.

Stem and Leaf Plot

A Stem and Leaf Plot is one way to prove a set of data. It uses actual numbers to prove a value. This stem and leaf plot is for the number of movies seen last year by students.

Box Plot

A Box Plot shows the data of groups on an interval scale. This is a typical box plot explaining how the information on any given box plot is conveyed. The box plot is an organized way to groups various amounts of information together.


A Histogram is graphically shown as bars. Histograms can be arranged either horizontally or vertically.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

In Parallel Coordinate Graphs each variable cooresponds to an axis. They are used to plot large amounts of data. Some may use different colors to differentiate the information.